Remote Dryland is now available on the SHOP
MBRC will provide Remote Dry Land Training online via Zoom in terms 1,2 and 4. MBRC has committed great resources in developing off season training over many years and the results of such training is seen both physically and cognitively. Athletes learn new skills, terminology and make advances in strength and conditioning as well as preserving a social team environment in the off- snow season.
Our overall aim is to develop independent athletically minded skiers and boarders who take ownership of their training, maintain consistency and structure which are all key elements to the program and overall improvement. Online Remote sessions are an effective way of training and save time with the convenience of training at home or remotely using minimal equipment to maintain high levels of fitness wherever the athlete is located.
All sessions typically go for 45 Minutes and are structured with a warm up, strength or skill component and a short high intensity work out. Zoom links will be provided along with update on Team App throughout the year. MBRC strongly recommends and supports athletes participating in other additional sports, training and specific strength and conditioning programs with external providers.
Term 1: Tue 8th Feb - Thu 7th April, 9 Weeks (18 Sessions)
Term 2: Tue 3rd May - Thu 16th June, 7 Weeks (14 Sessions)
Term 4: Tue 11th Oct - Thu 8th Dec, 9 Weeks (18 Sessions)
Session times - u10,12 and Grom 0,1
Tuesday 5 - 5.45 pm, Thursday 5 - 5.45 pm
Session times - u14,16 and Grom 2,Fis
Tuesday 6 - 6.45 pm, Thursday 6 - 6.45 pm
All sessions are recorded and available for playback if a session is missed.