
MBRC Race Update - 2021 Season

Published Wed 15 Sep 2021

Due to the restrictions in place by the Victorian Government, MBRC will need to cancel all remaining races at Mt Buller.  Although community sport can take place, competition is still not allowed and we have waited until the last minute before making this announcement in case this condition around competition did change.

The cancelled races include; The Karbon Buller Cup, the third leg of the King Of The Mountain - Rider Cross and the FIS slalom races.
The Snow Australia Children's Series has also been cancelled.  Unfortunately this will mean that the event next year will not be rescheduled to Mt Buller and those attending these races will need to travel interstate to compete in this series.
We really appreciate all the effort from the mountain, sponsors and all those behind MBRC running these now cancelled events and really appreciate the efforts of our coaches, volunteers and race crew that assisted in the races we did run this season. We look forward to next season and a full race calendar.
The overall result for the MBRC King Of The Mountain will be assessed on the two events we did get underway and the proposal is to present these result and trophies at a yet to be determined date after the season when MBRC can host an end of season break up BBQ and awards.
Regards, Richard.

Richard Haslau

Program Director
Mt Buller Race Club
PO Box 34, Mt Buller 3723 VIC
P  04193 303 091